London High School 1958 Yearbook (London, OH) - Full Access
Wheeler's Florist Atkins Hatcheries, Inc. Ballenger's Department Store Bateman's Cab Service Judge and Mrs. James F. Bell Beneficial Finance Company Benhaus and Garrett Brewer Plumbing Creamer Sheet Metal Products M. J. Cristee-lnsurance Dr. E. S. Crouch Cutlip Electric Company A Friend Dixie Drive In Harold Farrington Harold Flax Florea Pharmacy Dr. F.. P. Fuchs Green & Company Forrest R. Hanson Henderson Press R. P. Hood Bob Johnson Dr. J . A. Knapp Rr. R. F. Laybourne Lindig Radiator Service Dr. W. C. Locke London Animal Hospital A Friend London Dairy Store London Fruit Market London Parts Company The London Vault Company Lukens Funeral Home Madison Plumbing & Heating Co. Madison Tile Mancini's Shoe Shop Herbert Markley SPONSORS Nationwide Mutual Insurance Opekasit Farm Mangement Phleger's Western Auto Sales Pope Tool and Machine Service Bob Rigg Motors Schlechty-Fichner Funeral Home Leland Shipley Shook Cash Register Exchange F. E. Sidner, Jr. Dr. T. F. Sisterhen Slattery Sheet Metal A Friend Men from Sohio Station, London Speasmaker and Sons-Coal, Trucking Feed Town & Country Beauty Salon Van Horn Construction Co. Veterinary Clinic-Meath and Buck Wickline Lumber Company Wigwam Ben Wood Tom Wood Bob's Cleaners Crabbe's Greenhouse London Appliance Lowe Tractor Sales Osie Rose Beauty Shop Star Laundry-Paul Chinn Terrace Lawn Tourist Home Trav-lers Motel Alice Thomas Beauty Shop lleen Bartley Bett's Beauty Shop Harold Bidwell A Friend Blair Farm Equipment Burton's Shell Service, Somerford Bob's Mobilgas Station Roger W. Cain M. B. Cannon Cigar Store Dr. M .J. Chakeres Cletus Hayman, Cities Service Oil Compliments of Dell's Frank C. Farquhar Robert E. Bigham-lnvestors Services Fugett's Restaurant Gaines Tent and Awning American Legion Ladies' Auxiliary Lambert Shell Station London Iron and Metal Company London Lumber and Coal McNeal Barber Shop Motor Mart Corporation Dr. F. E. Noland Siegel's State Restaurant Ted's Mobilgas Pop Beathard Boyd's Grocery Foster's Grocery Norman Jones Minnick's Used Merchandise Store Bob Phillips Dr. R. E. Postle Charles Rickards Dollie Rickards Donald Rickards Dorothy Rickards Steve Rickards Dr. F. E. Ronsnagle Shady Elm Motel Steve's Radio and Television Tyler Electric Dean Dixon's Grocery Mrs. John Fout LONDON, OHIO t·enty-On
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