London High School 1958 Yearbook (London, OH) - Guest Access
i.l' .--~-.v•v t r u ... CQ ~ 222324252627 iiBZSll BOARD OF EDUCATION The Board Members, left to right, are: Robert Lukens, C l e ~ k; Maynard Drcl<erson; Robert Creath, Pres ident; Murray Lohr; Mrs. Robert Day; Donald Fa rquhar, Vice-Pres ident. The London Board of Education, in keeping with its re pon ibility of providing adequate chool opportunitie for the youth of thi area, endor ed a comprehensive survey to ugge t way that the educational program of the London chool di trict ould be improved. The survey was conducted by the . Department of Education, Ohio tate Univer ity, with the cooperation of the Somerford and Deercreek school di tricts. Three additional cla rooms were provided to accommodate the increa ed enrollment of the elementary grade . With the cooperation of the citizenry of London and the members of the t. Patrick' Church Pari h, the Board of Education purchased the land adjacent to the present Public chool ite. The purchase of l~nd and build- ings will eaable the Board of Education to prepare for an expan ion program in the near future. The biology department wa trengthened with the pur hase-of several piece of new equipment. The de ire of the Board ha been, and alway will be, to maintain an educational program which will be t rv the community and i children. A Friend
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