London High School 1958 Yearbook (London, OH) - Guest Access

F o11 I' DEDICATION W E, THE SENIOR CLASS OF 1958, wish to dedicate this chapter of our lives to those who have shared in a major portion of the happiness and heartaches which are so much a part of our school years. In this early scrimmage with life, parents have been the coaches, teammates, and boosters. They have advised us in moments of inde- cision, carried the load when we shirked responsibility in preparation for all our activi- ties, and were the "guiding lights" of enthusi- asm in aiding us toward the attainment of our goal. Now that we are crossing the threshold into life, we use this annual as a small way of expressing our sincere gratitude and love. When we reach the status of parenthood, we hope to show the foresight, understanding, and patience which have been so outstanding in parents of this generation.