Glide High School 1956 Yearbook (Glide, OR) - Full Access
SOPHOMORE LEADERS. LEFT TO RIGHT: Mr. Brand, Advisor; Everett Perry and Carolyn Kinne, Sergeants-at-arms; Karen Hill, Treasurer; Juanita Cole, Secretary; Loren McClure, Vice-President; and Bill Eswine. President. CLASS of ·58 This busy year started off with the traditional "Slave Sale", which enriched the sophomore treasury and provided a day that was loads of fun for everyone. The Sophomores elected Danny Kinne and Joan Meracle as their choice of carnival King and Queen candidates . Frances Jemeyson and Karen Hill added much to the pep squad this year. Bill £swine, Sophomore ClassPresident and his cabinet; Loren McClure, Vice-President; Karen Hill, Treasurer; Juanita Cole, Secretary; Everett Perry and Carolyn Kinne, Sergeant-at– Arms; did a wonderful job and really enjoyed doing it. David Evans, Larry Swanson, Gary Eaton, David Sanders, Jerry McCortney, Paul Amann, Tom Neal and John Suhrstedt all represented the class of "58" on the football team. From the sophomore class, Loren McClure, Gary Eaton, Frank Churchill, David Argo, Jerry McConney, Everett Perry. Danny Kinne, Bill Eswlne and Jim Morgan all participated on the bas– ketball team. 20
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