Glide High School 1956 Yearbook (Glide, OR) - Full Access
32 LEFT TO RIGHT: B. McDaniels, Freshman Representative; Mrs. Smith, Advisor; S. Hook, Vice-President; J. Suhrstedt, President; H. Taylor, Secretary; A. Jennie, Treasurer; K. Hill, Historian; and V. Bond, Sergeant-at-arms. GIRLs· LEAGUE The Girls' League, under the direction of Mrs. Smith, sponsored and enJoyed many activities during the year. One of the highlights of the year was the "Winter Formal" which was held December 2nd. This was a joint activity with the Boys' League. Many students turned out to en – joy the dance. Another activity was Girls' League Week. It was held February 12th to the 17th. To complete the enjoyable week, a dance was held the night of the 17th with Elkton students as guests. This was the annual "Heart Hop", with the King and Queen reigning over it. The Girls' League spon~ned the selection of King and Queen, also the selection of "Girl of the Month." A "Mothers' Tea" was planned for the 15th of May. The organization began in the fall of 1953 under the direction of Mrs. Smith. It is now a part of the state organization of Girls' Leagues. The purpose of the Girls' League is to promote a dependable relationship among the girls of the school.
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