Glide High School 1956 Yearbook (Glide, OR) - Full Access

The Boys' League, under the advisorship of Mr. Scott was organized in Qrder for the boys to participate in and enjoy the activities and functions of our school. The following officers contributed their time and energy in making the Boys' League suc– cessful and valuable to our school: President, Dick Smith; Vice -President, Gene Polley; Secre– tary, David Sanders; Treasurer , Bill Eswine; and Sergeant-at-arms, Roger Gunderson. One of the projects of Boys' League was participating, along with the Girls' League, in the preparations for the Douglas County School Masters Meeting, and banquet. In connection with this they assisted in the decorations , preparing the food, serving, and clean-up afterwards. The Boys' League and Girls' League each helping the other, planned and decorated the Winter FQrmal, which was very successful. BOYs· LEAGUE Roger Gunderson, Gene Polley, Dick Smith, Bill Eswine, and Mr. Scott, Advisor. 33