Glide High School 1956 Yearbook (Glide, OR) - Full Access
Girls' League Week was climaxed by the tra– ditional Heart Hop. The excitement started early in the form of a basketball game with Elkton. Later, there was the coronation of the King and Queen of Hearts, Wayne Kennaday and Sally Hook. This charming couple led the first dance and started an evening of fun for everyone present. The Elkton people were invited and helped to make the dance very well attended. HEART-HOP COURT ROYALTY DANCES 35 ROYAL PAIR HEART HOP COURT PRINCESSES, Left to Right: Emma Melton, Janet Harris, Vida Mae Polley, Carolyn Hatfield. PRINCES, Left to Right: Greg Kuykendall, Bert Baker, Roger Schlickeisen, AllenSmith. CROWNING OF PRINCESSES
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