Glide High School 1956 Yearbook (Glide, OR) - Full Access

"Our Hearts Were Young and Gay" was the second 3 act corned y to bloom out of Glide High School during the past year . Tryouts were held during the lunch hour and after school. Then four nights a week the cast struggled to give a successful production which they did on April 27, and 28 to a full house . Mr. Brand, our well known director spent many long and tedious hours with the cast . Rosa Lea Simpson and Juanita Cole prompted and Dave Shrum, David Hill, and Gary Wagner worked on sets . Carol Lippy hand led the business end. FIRST ROW: D. Sanders, J. Suhrstedt, H. Angell, R. Webste r, K. Hill, L. Moore, M. Shelton, L. McCormack, H. Taylor, K. Meyer, R. Simpson, D. Evans, D. Smith, W. Kenneday, A. Smith, D. Shrum, J. Suhrstedt, and Mr. Brand, Advisor. ··ouR HEARTS WERE YOUNG and GAY..