Glide High School 1956 Yearbook (Glide, OR) - Full Access

LAST WILL and TESTAMENT I, Paul Anderson, will my knack to cut class, to Bill Starnes. I, Harold Angel, will my ability to get unexcused absences for being out of town, to anyone who can't find a girl in his locality. I, Linda Baker, lead footed, will my driving ability? to Tom Neal. I, Betty Churchill, will my password (budget} to my brother, Jim. I, Bernie Elliott, will my grades in American Problems to my sister in hopes she will survive. I, Roger Gunderson, being in a hungry state and nervous nature do hereby will my hollow leg to Mr. Middleton. I, Caralee Hargis, will my ability in Chemistry to Doris Moreburg. I, Janet Harris, being of another name, will my scarred knee and blonde hair to Verna Dean Bond. I, Alan Hatfield, do hereby will anything I've got to anyone who wants it. I, Pat Hatfield, will my ability to accept a teacher's word as fact, to Allen S. I, David Hill, will my good looks to any deserving Junior. Of course there are not very many deserving Juniors. l, Sally Hook, will my place in Girls' gym class to Bert Baker. I, Lorene Kester. will my ability to get out of afternoon classes to anyone who has six classes a day. I, Jim Kinyon, being of long legs and broken glasses, will my place in American Problems to anyone who likes 4 's. I, Greg Kuykendall, will my catching ability to Gary Eaton, He needs it. I, Betty Lewis, will my many male admirers to Miss Earnest, for I have no further need of them. I, Carol Lippy, regretfully bequeath my place in the front seat of Mr. Brand's car to anyone for- tunate enough to live in Roseburg. I, Barbara Long, will my ability to stay slim to Gail Kelly. I, Shirley Manske, will my clutches to any other girl who has mechanical trouble. I, Cindy McCord, being of weak eyes and bow legs, will my ability to get 5's in pop quizzes. I, Emma Melton, will my Jealousy to Carolyn Hatfield. Look out Smiths'. I, Joyce Merry, being of-long eyelashes , will them to Corky Collison. I, Gene Polly, will my ability to get excused absences for sleeping in late, to Bill Eswine. I, Ted Roberts, will my ability to smoke on the school ground without being caught to Bob i:iurd. I, Dale Sanders, will my ability to skip school to my brother. 1, Dave Shrum, will my ability to be late to 1st. period class to Ronnie Dell. I, Rosa Lea Simpson, will my ability to be maids in school plays to anyone who's fate follows the same pattern. I, Don Smith, will my position in band to anyone capable of dodging mutes. I wasn't. I, Jim Stancliff, will my ability to grow whiskers to Frank Churchill. I, Judy Suhrstedt, will my height and long hair to Vickie Wilson. I, Mel Trammell, will my cleats to Larry Swanson in hopes he keeps out of trouble. I, Dave Walker, will my ability to drive a Ford Victoria to Mr. Talbert. I, Ruth Webster, will my long dark pony tail to someone who has a pony . .44