Glide High School 1956 Yearbook (Glide, OR) - Full Access

SENIOR PROPHECY May 30, 1966---I recently received a letter from our class of '56 Treasuress. In it she stated that there was an unfound amountofmoneysomehow remaining in the class treasury. The amount amounted to $2.38, which isn't a whole lot but nevertheless I was instructed to deliver the equal amount of $.07 to each member of the Senior Class of '56. In case some of you are interested in knowing what each of them were doing when I dropped in on them, here is what Paul Anderson was doing. Paul was living in a state of confusion but had finally decided to help the army out with the shortage on guns and ammo'. Harold Angell was living with an old love. Harold is living in an iconoclastical world, worship– ing nothing and believing no one. Linda Baker was employed as an airline stewardess which on the job traveled from coast to coast. Betty Churchill was in the back room washing a big batch of dirty clothes, dirtied by her logging laddy. LaVerne Elliott is married to an Englishman who is very striking and proves it every so often. Me??? I'm still just bummin' around. Caralee Hargis is employed as a scientist at Los Alamos, New Mexico. Duane Bond is in L.A., waiting each night for Janet (Harris) Bond to come home from work. Alan Hatfield and Judy Suhrstedt have graduated--made that fatal step, engagement. David Hill is a cop. Sally (Hook) Baker was putting cold towels on Bert Baker's head on the morning after. Lorene (Kester) Sanders is married and quietly living happily. James Kinyon can now be truthfully called "Daddy Long Legs," because he has four kids. He is also working on Einstein •s theory. When I rang the doorbell of the Greg Kuykendall residence I was greeted by a loud "Mama, daddy, someone 's at the door." Betty Grifiths now has her sergeant's stripes . Carol (Lippy) Smith and Don Smith are living in the sunny state of California. Carol is raising two kids while Don is raising cane at the office . Barbara Long is married to a logger. She is taking violin lessons. Shirley Manske and Dave Shrum are still courtin'--probably will for a long time to come. Lucinda McCord is a big movie star and on her eighth husband. Ha. Joyce Merry got a secretary job in L.A. working for a big fish packing co. Gene Polley has gone through college, the Army and all of Helen's maneuvers. Ted Roberts had gone to old Mexico to get some of that hot food down there . Dale Sanders left his wife home and went to Europe for a body building contest. Rosa Lea Simpson is living in the middle east leading a very prosperous married life with her eight kids. Emily Sinnott isn't worried. Her boyfriend (husband now) still has a new Ford every year. Jim Stancliff is studying habits of Mexican monkeys and Robert's hot dishes. Mel Tremmell and Verna Dean got hitched up when she graduated. They are living next door to Duane and Janet. Dave Walker has, when I arrived, a new Cadillac and a big very luxurious home. He's still single. Ruth Webster has a cattle ranch in Texas. She's now trying for oil. 45