Glide High School 1956 Yearbook (Glide, OR) - Full Access
8 3 7 11 12 14 20 21 25 28 29 4 5 7 9 11 12 19 24-25 30 2 3 6 9 14 16 17 24 3 6 9 10 13 17 20 24 27 31 CALENDAR of EVENTS SEPTEMBER School Open OCTOBER Douglas-there (football) Oakland-here Douglas-here Freshman Initiation Elkton -there National School Assembly Riddle -here Senior Pictures Myrtle Creek fr. -here Carnival NOVEMBER End of first 9 weeks Coburg-There Class and Faculty Pictures National School Assembly Armistice Day Holiday Alsea at Corvallis Culver -there Thanksgiving Holiday National School Assembly DECEMBER Winter Formal Student Body Play Douglas -here (basketball) Camas Valley-here Christmas Program Days Creek-here Douglas -there Christmas Vacation JANUARY Back to School Riddle -there P.T.A. Oakland-here Canyonville -there End of first semester Yoncalla -here Camas Valley-there National School Assembly Elkton -there Days Creek-here Glendale -here 55-56 50 6 8 10 13-17 13 14 16 17 21 24 27 28 1 2 12-16 23 24 28 30 FEBRUARY Copco Assembly March of Dimes Basketball Road Kings vs. Town Team Canyonville -here Girls' League Week Assembly Yoncalla -there Band Clinic-Myrtle Creek Heart Hop Elkton -here Triple Trio Riddle -there Oakland- there Triple Trio Winter Concert MARCH Home Ec. Field Trip Basketball Playoffs Spring Vacation Chili Supper End of nine weeks Choral Festival Roseburg -there (baseball) APRIL 4 Library Assistants Conference 10 Douglas-here 12 Smorgasbord 13 Camas Valley-here 20 Senior College Visitation Yoncalla -here 21 Sutherlin-there 27 Student Body Play Riddle -there Girls' League Elections 28 Student Body Play School Elections Sutherlin -there MAY 4- 5 State Girls' League Convention Oakland -here 11 National School Assembly Elkton -there 12 Junior Senior Prom 15 Mothers' Tea - Douglas-there 27 Baccalaureate 29 GRADUATION JUNE 1 Last Day
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