Glide High School 1956 Yearbook (Glide, OR) - Full Access
UMPQUA VALLEY APPLIANCE Sales-Service 120 W. Oak Roseburg OR 3-5574 Sutherlin Oregon Phone 2988 ROEN'S OFFICE EQUIPMENT We give S & H Green Stamps Phone OR 3-5456 Roseburg Oregon Groceries - Tackle - Fountain IDLEYLD PARK Phone GY 6-3307 Glide Oregon 64 J. J. NEWBERRY COMPANY Make Newberrys your headquarters for school supplies and the latest in wearables for boys and girls. Use our convenient layaway plan. A little down a little each week. Visit our upstairs and downstairs departments A complete store all in one. OR 2-3011 Roseburg Oregon RIVERSIDE MOTORS Sales-Service -Parts Phone OR 3-7434 1444 N. Stephens Roseburg Oregon UMPQUA GUN STORE Guns and Fishing Tackle Phone OR 3-8415 729 S. E. Stephens Roseburg Oregon
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