Bensalem Township HS 1953 Yearbook (Cornwells Heights, PA) - Guest Access


THE 1953 CONTENTS Administration Page 5 Seniors Page 9 Underclassmen Page 33 Activities . Page 39 Sports . Page 51

DEDICATION During the past years, our parents have guided us safely and successfully through our tempestuous childhood and adolescence. They have been, and continue to be, an unfailing source of enlight enment and guidance in the uncertain days of our youth. They have done all that is in their power to help us become and remain physically fit, morally straight, and mentally alert. To insure this, they hav'- sacrificed much. And now their untiring devotion and watchfulness is beginning to bear fruit. Now, at last, our parents are beginning to realize their goal-to see us happy, well-adjusted, mature young men and women. Therefore, in dedicating our yearbook to our beloved parents, we wish to repay an infinitely small part of the tremendous debt we owe them, and to show, also, the overwhelming gratitude we feel toward them who have done so much for us.

MR. ROBERT K. SHAFER Superintendent CLASS OF 1953 Greetings and congratulations on your achievement of a high school education. This is but one of the many achievements I hope to be able to congratulate you upon. Make every day a commencement day, a day of beginning a new enterprise and a day of final achievement in another. Best Wishes and Good Luck. Sincerely, ROBERT K. SHAFER SCHOOL BOARD first Row, left to right: Mr. Norman C. Gaugler; Mr. Robert P. Van Sant, President; Mr. William F. Abel, Secretary. Second Row: Mr. Harry West, Vice-President; Mr. Frank R. Tomlinson; Mr. William Dettmer, Treasurer; Mr. J. Maurice Tomlinson. MR. RUSSELL C. STRUBLE Principal ADMINISTRATION TO THE CLASS OF '53: All of living is but learning to do bztter those things that need doing. Disappointment, discouragement, even tragedy have elements of learning for us. Learn their lessons and keep on looking forward to each bright new day. Sincerely, R. C. STRUBLE

6 Miss Eva Alincewlcx Mathematics Mr. Francis DeTolla Science, Mathematics FACULTY Mrs. Mae H. Hege English Mr. Lewis Benxon Music Mr. James Fischer Administrative Assistant Business Education Mr. Howard Hilgendorff Social Studies Miss Orphia Chelland Biology Miss Mabel V. Frantx Commercia/ Miss Alberta Howell Home Economics Mrs. Emily Christman Library, History Mr. Frank B. Hege Socia/ Studies Mrs. Eleanor Koble Physical Education, Health

Mr. John Koleser Guidance Mr. Holmes McCormick English Mr. Arnold Ody Mathematics Mechanical Drawing Mr. Ronald Landes Physico/ Education, Health Mr. John McMichael Mathematics Mr. Robert Parsons Art Miss Mary Anne Mensch Home Economics Mr. John Messinger Driver Training, Safety Education Miss Katherine Pentz Science Miss lois McCartney English Miss Stephanie Moskaluk English Miss Annette Reber Physico/ Education. Health 7

8 Mr. Samuel Reese Mathematics FACULTY Mr. lester St:Jmp Geography, History Mrs. Mildred Reif School Nurse Mr. Armando Ricci Commercial Mr. John Tafel Social Studies Mr. John F. Slaven Commercial Mr. Marlon J. Van Horn Social Studies Mr. Robert Storr Industrial Arts Mrs. Beverly Whitney English languages Miss Charmaine Stuber Secretary

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