Redstone HS 1961 Yearbook (Republic, PA) - Full Access

Students, teachers, and Ad– ministrators working closely to– gether create and maintain a true spirit of friendship at Red– stone High School. Many people combine their efforts and talents to make life at Redstone pleas– ing and rewarding. The school board, administra– tors and faculty institute and utthze modern teaching meth– ods. Their chief a1m is to encour– age md1fferent pupils and to challenge advanced scholars. Dally, career-minded students seek the advice of the guidance counselor about specific subjects needed to round out the1r future plans. The speech correctionist helps many students overcome particular s peech problems. Eventually they face the public with more ease and confidence. Concerned with the health of each pupil, the medical staff pro– vides that much needed "ounce of prevention." To keep students in tip-top condition, the ladies in the cafeteria prepare and serve well-balanced meals. Busy custodians work con– stantly to make our school and campus clean and attractlve. Thus, they provide a better at– mosphere in which to study. Bus students appreciate the couriers who transport them to school safely. day in and day out As a result of the combined efforts and the co-operation of all affiliated with Redstone Tov;nsh1p School District, some– day each student will achieve success.