Redstone HS 1961 Yearbook (Republic, PA) - Full Access

SOPHOMORE OFFICERS President............... Mike Grena Vice President ........ Joann Casurole Secretary ............Dorothy Kogler Treasurer. . . . . . . . . . . . Dave Malosky Sponsor ........ . .. . .Mr. John Burns Not long ago, we entered Red– stone High School as bewildered freshmen. As time passed, we overcame the never-ending ob– stacles confronting us. We, the class of '63, set out to raise our scholastic standing, to acquaint ourselves wtth new friends and teachers, and to render services to better our schooL "Moonlight Rendezvous," our class party, was a stepping stone in social activities. Then, all too soon, final tests rolled around. Our first chapter in education was completed. Soon we began another year at Redstone. The gridiron and basketball court offered sopho– mores an opportunity to display athletic prowess. Spring time meant party time. When we stood in line waiting to be measured for class rings we began to feel as if we were upperclassmen. With spirit and confidence, we "the sophomores look forward to the future. George Balas Bryan Bandes Trudy Barton Elizabeth Batovsky Georgette Belliconish Raymond Berisko janet Bertha Bernadette Bester Raymond Bloom Linda Bolas Eileen Boyle Richard Bremenour John Brocco Lois Brown John Bruzda Wesley Campbell Jo Ann Casurole Lloyd Christopher Anthony Cosimato Dorothy Costello Carol Cunningham Bill Dargai Joanne DeBrody Anthony DelVerme juanita DeMichele Wilbert Dewitt John Dibble james Direnzi Bernice Domen William Dominic john Domack Almira Dunlap Susan Eadie Angeline English Rose Ann Fatyara Dennis Fields Kathy Fitzmaurice Georgia Frye Mary Gaines Paula Gazdo We set a firm foundation to proceed through life and