Redstone HS 1961 Yearbook (Republic, PA) - Full Access

"The First Thanksgiving" is an appropriate subject for the bulletin board in 304. Grena and Bolas display their arti•tic abilities in compl~ung it. ,,-e prepare for the future thaw precious awards with car~!" exclaims Dave Malosky :!Lh Grena. Bryan Bandes looks on admiringly at the hand– ~hies. Harry Sullivan Clifford Supansic Karen Susa Charlotte Swartz Robert Swift Winfield Thomas Frank Thompson Mary Lou Torrey Philip Tunstell Elizabeth Vesnesky Irene Vesnesky Gloria Vig Frances Walker Mary Wellington Garrett Wingard Calvin Woods Alice Worley Carole Lee Wright Henry Young Karen Zacovic Aletha Zele E ugene Z1as