The highlight of the Yule– tide season, "The Sno- Ball Semi-Formal," held sway on De– cember 28, 1960. Light-hearted couples danced far into the mght to the melodious music of Sammy Bill'sOrchestra. All too soon, the year 1960 became a fond memory. Retum– mg to classes feeling brisk and refreshed, students rev e a I e d their New Year resolutions. Many of which were soon bro– ken or forgotten. F rom January 3-9, seniors posed for the photographer from Cover Studios. A week later, when the "proofs" arrived, stu– dents pondered over which pose to select, especially for the '61 Redstonian. Section 10 Basketball gave the "ole school spirit" a shot in the arm. Students came alive at the first game. The Black Hawks defeated Fairchance– Georges on December 30, 1960. The season was off to a good start for the happy Hawks. During January, the snow piled up, up, up! True-blue con– servationists aided wildlife in tts struggle for existence. Club members scattered com and hay in many sections of Redstone and Luzerne Townships. Facing the challenges put to them by the faculty, students crammed furiously for mid-term exams. Many actually vowed to buckle down and to study dur– ing the second semester. J. t Redstone. . Spirit of Christmas c:omes alive in Room 304. . . . 'Tis the season to be )olly (