Redstone HS 1961 Yearbook (Republic, PA) - Full Access

Happy Jun•ors jun love their rings. When the second semester r o II e d around the spotlight focused on the Class of '61. School activities rev o I v e d around the seniors. During February, ''The Val– entine Month," the Tri-Hi-Y and Library Club served their com– munity by soliciting donations for the Heart Fund D rive in Re– public. Seniors eagerly awaited the arrival of their photos from Cover Studio. When the por– traits were delivered, bright smiles flashed freely. Captions and write-ups kept the annual staff on their toes, for they really rushed to meet the deadline for the '61 R edstonian. The students were curious; they wanted to know the color and style of the yearbook. Energetic athletes went di– rectly from the hardwood floor to the cinder track. Hepped-up, spectators cheered till the last runner crossed the line. Vic– torious thinclads were the topic of discussion among sport fans for many days. Upperclassmen welcome break 1n class rout1ne Mr. Stephen Strouch briefs senior