Redstone HS 1961 Yearbook (Republic, PA) - Guest Access

1961 Seniors pen finis Rondelli asks seniors DeCarlo, Duran, and Lake for namecards. Graduation Time Fifty seniors who were c doubt or undecided about fu– ture careers took the General Aptitude Test administered b} the Pennsylvania State Employ– ment Service. Later in individu– al conferences with each appli– cant, Miss Julia T. Reese, em– ployment counselor, interpreted m detail the results of the test. Classmates exchanged name cards with underclassmen as well as other seniors. In April, seniors received commencement inv1tat1ons: immediately they prepared mailing lists. On Awards Da_. _emors took a bow. Classmates. ·eachers. and admm1strators reco~nized those who proved to be outstanding 1n scholastic achievements, sports. club activities, publications, and school service. As time passed, seniors re– alized all too well that gradu– ation was quickly approaching. Underclassmen dwelt on the thoughts of an enjoyable sum– mer vacation. Outlining the framework for final tests, the facult} shocked students out of the1r Spnng Fever." Then, last m nute cra..'TI– ming really began in earnest. The Republic Lions awarded sweaters to ten outstanding sen– iors for scholastic achievement. Naturally, on Kennywood D ay these students proudly sported the1r sweaters. When the '61Redstonian final– ly materialized, excitement filled the air. Immediately the staff distributed the yearbooks. Then, autograph hounds were on the run to obtain everyone's "J ohn H enry." On May 29, 1961, the R ed– stone Story ended for the '61 graduates who had completed four years of hard work. For the underclassmen, a new chapter began. 7