Redstone HS 1966 Yearbook (Republic, PA) - Full Access
BOTIO)I ROW: )lr. D'Amico, Jackson, H3tfield, '1artini, Bryan, Kazmierczak. Cari, Wajda, Kre,·inko. Roscoe. ROW TWO: Fitzmaurice, Tassone, Packan, Cra\\ford, Gribble, Kuliko,.,•ki, Vo)lo•ich, K)le, Brezo\ok)·, Cralka. ROW THREE: oftcbeck, Hone, Burnett, Dunll, Lancaster, Kuman, Lane, Colinet, )lickey. ROW FOUR: Kupets, Martin, Sieradzki, Collins, Gondek, DeFino. Liz3nich. Wyall. TOP ROW: King, Kindernuer. Smith, Dirtn1i, Ourinzi. )lcCoy, Cluise, Ko,all, Ducar. Karen Whetzel and Charlene Seese aid Mr. D'Amico in listing references. 100 Math Club t:nder the direction of the new ad· viser. ~lr. Orlando D'Amico, the ~lath Club participated in pertinent activities which enabled them to enrich and broad· en their understanding of mathematics. Each member "illingly presented a monthly report which will be kept on file for future reference. Topics ranged from the ancient to the modern approach to mathematics. ~fiss Joanne Barber, a math major and student teacher at Redstone. talked to the group about the opportuni– ties in the field of mathematics. At West Virginia Unhersit)'. mem· hers were taken to the computer center where they '' itnessed the actual operation and manipulation of electronic computers. To conclude the ) ear's activities. the following officers: Karen Whetzel. presi– dent; Ted Kovall, \ice·president: Cbar– ma) ne Packan. secretarr; and Rose Fitz· maurice, treasurer; organized a picnic and ha) ride.
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