Redstone HS 1966 Yearbook (Republic, PA) - Full Access

N.H.S. of£icers, Donna Caglia, secretary; Anene DeNardo. vice·president; Norma Antonini, treasurer; :\1iss Arlene Gondek, sponsor; and Tom Lu· costic, president: make rough draft of tutoring service a'•ailable. National Honor Society Under i\!iss Arlene Gondek's direction. the ~ational Honor Societ)' collaborated with the Future Teachers of America to promote extracurricular activities and to perform tutoring services for the student body. Members for the National Honor So· ciety were chosen for their "leadership. scholarship, service, and character''. These qualities were to be maintained at all times. Through discussion, field trips. and prac· tice teaching, the future Teachers of Amer· ica listed the responsibilities and explored the opportunities of the teaching profes· sion. During the second seme~ter. honor stu· dents relinquished their study periods to tutor underclassmen in need of academic assistance. All tutors guided pupils in mas· tering and comprehending subject material. On the lighter side. the F.T.A. trans· formed five boys into strange characters for the ..Funny ~Ian" contest. To select the funniest, students cast \'Otes for a nom· innl fee. Resorting to modern techniques. interested students round their perfect dates at the "Spring Computer Dance". BOTTO?!! ROW: Jackson, Whetzel, West, Diehl, Vesley, Krivohlovy, Nunall, Vrable. ROW TWO: Miss Gondek, Wyda, Lizanich, Lancaster, Kovall, Mo.zzocco, Smith, :\[ehalik, Seest, DeBord, Moore. TOP ROW: Antonini, Bernot, Dancho, Kulikowski, Nelson, Gribble, Brezovsky, Kubitza, Gralka, Janco, Collins. Fitzmaurice. 102