Redstone HS 1966 Yearbook (Republic, PA) - Full Access
Conservation Club Cri p winter blasts, dismal spring showers, and unbearable summer heat seldom hindered the Conser. ation Club members in their efforts to pre~ene America's natural resources and wild life. Under the expert super. ision of :\Jr. Coppolino and :\Jr. Hustek. the group learned the importance of con~ervation, the nece.-sit) of teamwork. and the joy of success. During the "inter months the major project \\OS the feeding of "ild lire in the local area. With arms filled. the concerned members scoured fields and forests. climbed hill sides. and followed moun· lain streams s<'altering the precious loads of corn. Occasionally, the organization's sponsors sched· uled mo\•ies on wild life and conservation fCtivilies for the group, who found the films informaTive and enjoyable. As winter drew to an end. plans were made for the observation of Arbor Day. Leaving books and pencils behind. club members replaced them with picks and !'ho, els. On aud off campus. boys and girls alike planted fragile seedlings. After ~ucce,~full) completing a year's con· . enation program. the club sponsored an outing in the natural setting they had so unseUishly helped to pre,en·e. TOP LEIT: Girls hn•tle to keep "arm. TOP RIGHT: Juliu, :\larciano accep~ his lot cheerful]). BOTI0~1 LEIT: Dolores Witkow~ki and There!a Bemot tote a load too great for onr. rile out nt New Salem Woods Dar.1 Fenshaw does it again!
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