Redstone HS 1966 Yearbook (Republic, PA) - Full Access

An almo:ol forgotten item. the 5Chool news· paper, returned to the halls of Redstone High. Titled the '·Black and White Revie" ". the paper was a monthly attraction not only for all the ~tu· dents but for the facult} as well. Thi;, school publication was edited h) \Tr. Jo· ~eph Bor~od) and a staff of eight ~eniors. To gather pertinent news items. homeroom reporters were appointed to bring in news of, for. and about their homerooms. Following the paper's motto "All new~ that\ fit to print."' the editorial staH spent end· less hours collecting. sorting. and re\ i~ing material for print. This usuall) meanl a la~t minute ~ramble for artie!~ to ·•fill-in''. Through thi:. ten-cent publication. ~tudent~ be– came well informed on the highlights and sidelights around rampus. Papers were sent to Redstone graduate~. "ho are currently serving in the armed force>. TOP: Holh Jame!On, Bell) Lo,..·el'), and Fran!.. Andreani "<'an the front page of th~ initial Black and II' hitt Retiew. BOTTO)f: Sporb editor.., Tom Lucostic, John 8Jll, Jnd OJ,·e Workman re•iew dail) ne,.·•paper for idta• for their section of the Ha .... l.. publication. 'Ir. Borsodr and co-editors Chuck Lizanich and Kathy John•on look o'rr matrrial for the next edition of the "<'hoof ncwbpaper. The) mu•t condense all material into four page- before the printing dt·adline. Black and White Review On·the-~pot ne"< reporter Jnd photographer, Bernie ·teu.k. aim, for a candid shot.