Redstone HS 1966 Yearbook (Republic, PA) - Full Access

\ -arsitY Basketball Lnable to fill key positions vacated by grad– uation. the youthful Hawks slumped through one of the poorest seasons in recent Black and White history. After losing their first three -starts, the victory-hungry cagers bounced back with three con– secutive wins. For this brief streak the " Redstone Five" appeared to be on the way to better things; but as the records indicate, this proved to be their best effort. A victory in January elated loyal fans but the local quintet was not to \Vin again. Although winless in tough Section 10, the spirited Hawks made several determined bids to win. Costly mistakes plus veteran competition made their every e££ort futile. In their first meeting with 'S"orth Upion. they made a gallant attempt to hand the league-leading champs a major setback. With a tremendous display of school spirit, a standing room only, enthusiastic band of followers cheered the Hawks as they battled the league-lead· ing Brownies in their final contest. An all out effort and a burning desire to win were not enough. Red– stone's early lead rapidly diminished, and the out~ classed Hawks fell before the talented' Brownsvill~ Five. K.u.a and Bob Cuerreri look on as a Redstone shot goes through the t.-o point; as the Hawks pull close against Beth Center. TOP: Joe Lucosh fires down court. BOTTO~I: Can·cr Crooms handling the ball with grace and form outmaneuvers Gator defenders.