Redstone HS 1966 Yearbook (Republic, PA) - Full Access

BOTIO~t ROW: )lr. DePasquale. coa~h: Frdlt). )lk ke) . Vlo~icb, DiDominic, De imont, Peterson, )lr. DeSimone, a•si5tant coach. ROW TWO: KurJ, B.tll, Biun~r. Du,all. Burnell. ROW TIIREE: Craig. Bryant. )leloni, Rnble, • p3rvieri. ROW FOUR: haw, \lorrison, Podolinsky. Baker, \lalink), \'\'arJ..mun, Ratet~ic. ROW FIVE: Wellington, )lurra)', Palo, SubJ, \litdwll. ROW SIX : Harvilln. Jnbn Ball hurdles in classic !t)le. A t»o– )ear letterman, he !howed outstnndin;r a oil· it) in the bro;~d jump and the 220. Track 1965 RECORD FIRST PLACE Redstone Opponents 87 South Gnion ....... .. . 16 9-1 Xorth Gnion .......... 38 96 South Union ......... .47 Jefferson ............ -16 122 Carmichaels .......... 1 I 86 Frazier ........•..... -l7 SECO:\ 0 PLACE 35 UniontO\\'n ...........52 Brownsville .. . ........ 24 l'\orth Union .......... 18 Soutb l:nion .......... 15 uniontown .......... 67 South l:nion .......... 27 Xorth L'nion .......... 16 Coach DePa•quale led the Black Hawk thin· clads to a \er) 'Ul·c~-.ful •ea•on.