Redstone HS 1966 Yearbook (Republic, PA) - Full Access

Da•·e .\forri•on takes aim. His outstanding abil– ity at pole "aulting gained Red•tone many first place•. Dave Workman, displaying ol) mpie form, hurls the discus. His adeptness in the discus and javelin c•ents earned him a lener. Bob haw's determination pro•ed to be an a•sel to the track team. Big Bob's strength and ;~bilit) filled the $hotput slot for the Ha•d••. Redstone ranks fourth 1n field of seven Fayette County Meet Fleet-fouled thinclad·, Dan fralc), Greg Dirtnzi. and frank Peterson await the "go'' signnl from Mr. Dl':-.imone a--i•tant "oa"h. 133