Redstone HS 1966 Yearbook (Republic, PA) - Full Access

BOITOM ROW: Jellots, Mehalik, Royster, David, Jones, Lowery, Colinet, Robinson, Martini, Harvey, Ma.rsball. ROW TWO: Bentz, Zidek, Palmer, Kish, J. Vitikacs, Smiell, Golembiewski, Hill, K.ara, Biddle, Whlte, Workman. ROW THREE: Dulla, Pace, R. Vitikacs, Phillip Young, Paul Young, Poole, Craggeue, Cales, White, Mariotti, Thompson; Rebovick, Bellan, managers, Mr. Peretti, assistant coach. TOP ROW: Meadows, Glagola, Year· die, Beck, Brundige, Gribble, Rocheck, Gnus. Coach Peretti forcibly informs Baby Hawks to play a hard-nosed game. John Smiell rounds left end for short yardage against North Union. 134 Junior High Football 1965 SCOREBOARD 1' l· "" Opponent A l\fl1 lh Union .................... 6 6 C()nnellsviUe .................... 19 0 Masontown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 i:\o:·th Union ................... 7 0 Uniontown ...... .. ............. 26 After their initial win, the B1tby Hawks failed to emerge victorious. Htnr•per<"d by injuries, key gridders were absent from the lineup. Following their 14-6 win over North Union, the Hawks fell prey to the Connellsville Cokere, 19-6. Traveling to Masontown, the boys played a hotly contested 0-0 deadlock. The Baby Rams of North Union took advantage of Redstone's sc~'ring inability to post a 7-0 victory. In their final ap· pearance, the Junior Hawks were outclassed by the Uniontown Red Raiders, 26-0.