Redstone HS 1966 Yearbook (Republic, PA) - Full Access

Best Wishes to the Class of '66 GALLATIN NATIONAL BANK 138 of Uniontown REPUBLIC BRANCH MONROE INDUSTRIES INC. Complete Automatic Service Uniontown, Pennsylvania DON ENEIX AND SONS Redstone High School Standard Rings Phone: 281..0384 927A Union Trust Bldg. Pittsburgh, Pa. Best Wishes to the Class of '66 REDSTONE HIGH SCHOOL TRI-HI-Y Sponsor-MRS. VELDA HART McDONALD'S II ALL AMERICAN" SANDWICHES HAMBURGER-SHAKE-FRENCH FRIES Put Your Best Foot Forward COVER STUDIO School Yearbook Photographers 504 Main Street Johnstown, Pa. Compliments of COMMERCIAL CLUB Sponsor-MRS. MARIE GALLAGHER Here's Hoping for Your Future Success HI-Y of REDSTONE HIGH SCHOOL Sponsor-MR. JOSEPH MENARCHECK