Redstone HS 1966 Yearbook (Republic, PA) - Full Access
Suecess to the Class of 1966 PEP CLUB Sponsor-MRS. ELLEN WHITE Uniontown's Best Store Uniontown Pa. Best Wishes to the Class of 1966 THRIFT PLAN FINANCE Brownsville Pennsylvania Congratulations to the Class of '66 REDSTONE HIGH SCHOOL BAND Band Director-MR. .SAMMY BILL Congratulations, Class of 1966 DOLLY PARK AND STUDENTS Congratulations, Classmates! SENIOR HIGH CHEERLEADERS Sponsor-MRS. ELLEN WHITE LA BELLE MOTOR COMPANY Federal Truck Sales-Service and Busses Fire Trucks OLIVER BATTAGLINI LABELLE, PA. Compliments of REDSTONE CANDY COMPANY "Candy Is So Good for You, Eat Some Every Day." WHITE SWAN FLOWER SHOP "WE GIVE "S & H" GREEN STAMPS" Uniontown Pennsylvania Phone 438·0401 MALOSKY INSURANCE CO. Dl MARCO FOOD PRODUCTS COMPANY Evans Me~or-P.O. Box 1670 Uniontown, Pe. 15401 Trenching Specialists Excavating Landscaping S.O.S. CONSTRUCTION CO. General Contracting P.O. Box 322-Republie, Pa. Phone 246-7704 141
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