Redstone HS 1966 Yearbook (Republic, PA) - Full Access
76 Gary Wiland's temporary handicap and long ab– sence from school forces him to plunge studiously into co19leting make-up work. Darlene Jellots Jerry Jenko Rebekah Johns Dwight Johnson Lester J ohnson Jennifer Jones Lilli Ann Kaminsky Marsha Kapel Carol Keeney Lucille Keller Linda Kelly Richard Kelley Gerald Kensinger Arthur Kinney Wava Kifer Rudy Kifus Donald King WiJJiam Kirby Patty Kitta Vema Kobaly Beverly Kooser Toni Kormos Roseanne Kovachick Nancy Kraft Barbara Kremposky Gerald Kremposky Judy Kumava Keith Kyle Christina Grivna Carver Grooms Sandra Hager Susan Harford Fred Harris Cynthia Harvey Larry Harvey Nancy Headley Leila Herrington Alberta Henderson Martha Hes.i Jesse Hill Saundra Hill Clifton Hoffman Linda Hromada Patricia Hull George Ignotz Connie lllig Cindy Jacim Sandra JeHries •
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