Redstone HS 1966 Yearbook (Republic, PA) - Full Access

80 Mr. Stephen Strauch informs officers of their duties. Freshmen CLASS OFFICERS PRESIDENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ROBERT KALA.'t:ETS VICE PRESIDENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DANIEL MARIOTI1 SECRETARY ................ CEORGETIE MICKEY TREASURER ....................... CHERYL FAUX CLASS SPONSOR . . . . . . . . . . MR. STEPHEN STRAUCH NINE A-~IR. UJCHICK BOTTO~f ROW: Keith Han·ey, Debbie Broadwater, Loreen Bella, Linda Baker, Joe Kolencilc, Robert Pound~tone. ROW TWO: Joanne Lancaster, Chrhtine Bella, Roberu Liptok, LiUian Polin!!, Barbara Kepler, Deb– bie Lacek. ROW THREE: Car,.line Kuhns, Wilma Mihalko, Dora Neil, CllarllUiioe Lu· cosh, Karen Novotny, Yvonne Rozak, Shir· ley Wright, Sara Peterson. ROW FOUR: Frederick Royster, Tom Malachin, Barbara McCarthy, James Skinner, Nancy utocko, John Petrovich, Jeffrey Jone•. ROW FIVE: James Rabie, James Cales, Robert Wea· tberspoon, Alan Bennett, Donnld Huskin, Ho.ward :\fartin, Harvey Farrell, Earl. Wat· son. Boys dig in and enjoy nourishing food prepared by the cooks. Balanced meab plus Hvei>• com-ersation keep them going. Joyce Davia and Sharon Pritu odd finishing touches to the • bulletin board. This visual display clinches learning.