Redstone HS 1966 Yearbook (Republic, PA) - Full Access
;\l\E J-~tRS. GAZ.ALIE BOTf0\1 ROW: Ralph Hickle, y,·onne _ ·hb.-oni, Jo~ce Karlrak, Georgene .\lick· er, ::~ndra .\likt>o, Louis Piccolomini, Den· ll·· '•·' k. T~d Tarka. ROW TWO: :Mary .\ n~ IDI. IXhbie Duke, Patricia Suit· er. .., ,ndra William"' Francis Kenney, ( .. '.·• Ba·hour, Jane Duke, Judy Vlo· &•dl.. RO\'t' THREE: ~lillicent Shaw, Kath· leen Petronit-, Charlone Tassone, Joseph ~blUuk, O~ri•tine Lukasik, Ro!alie Cnta· Llno, Cnthtrine Lakish. ROW FOUR: James Sn1dtr, Cheryl Faux, Ted Golem· biewski, ,\nthonr Sabec, Robert Lewis, Daniel \urioni. Richard Popp, Pani Bro,.n, ROW FJYE: James Addis, Jarues Caru-o, Ham Guerrieri, Robert \'itik.acs, August Tc--on•·, Kenneth Poole. Thoma• Oktela. Ninth Grade Alter a tiresome bu' trip to Pins– burgh, 01ef)l Faux and Joyce Karlyo.k appreciate the rcfrf'•hmcnts provided by the Stecler orgnni7.ation. This will fortify the Rcd,tonc .Marching Band for haU-time performance at the Steel· er·Red•kin football game. ~1:\E H -\11$ G\BLE BOTI0~1 ROW: Dennis Jenko, Teri Tyl· ka, .\1ichele Turcic, Diana Semonick. .\lary Celc•tine. linda Skodu, \lary Rable, Ken· neth Wadsworth. ROW TWO: Carol Vulcan, Ch.rhtina Grake, Carol Juran, Greg Rowley, Ralph Bill, Gilda Thoma•, Judith Grubb!', Emilia Durigon. ROW THREE: Jim Davis, Tom .\larshall, Kath) Sp:m-ieri, Dennis Bobna, .'\ndrea Wallat·r, Robert Jameson, Dale Turner. RO\\ FOLR: Sam Water!, Kim ~loore. Ro) \lt'halik. Rodne) Colauita, John Xo,·ak. Roht'n &-man, Jacob Settles, Thoma• Workman. RO\\ FIVE: George \lc· Donough, Ho't:"d Cranette, Ddniel Berisko, Fred Cnu•, Jan\C• GlagolJ, Joel Sahbre,.e, Gerald Toth, Jamt'S Hodinka, Richard Kiel– basa.
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