Redstone HS 1966 Yearbook (Republic, PA) - Full Access

en1or Chorus & part of their daily curricular ac– ~. members of the chorus blended 'oices under the direction of Mrs. \ ~ia 5al•")·er. 'The Glee Club presented its first per– [c:rmailtt during the annual Christmas pro· ~ They sang the beautiful, "Do You Hnr What I Hear?" and the seasonal, ~"Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer." Demonstrating true Christmas spirit. the Froup helped to brighten the hearts of tbo-e less fortunate. They caroled at the Br.."n 1ille and Unionto\\n hospitals and at the Fayette County Home. Twelve members represented Redstone in the Fayette County Chorus in 1 ovem– ber at Albert Gallatin High School. Beau– tiful selections rendered were: "Blue-Tail Fly," "The Lord is My Shepherd," and "Maria." Holly Jameson and Ken Harasty earned the privilege of attending the West– ern Pennsylvania District Chorus at :\ft. Lebanon High School. In :\larch, the Chorus presented a colorful Spring Concert. Later. !!enjors pre– pared for commencE-ment. Skilled piani&ts, Henry Oplinger and Beth Nuttall, assisted the chorus in all per– formances and made rehearsals enjoyable. At graduation the chorus sensed a feeling of satisfaction. TOP: Selected vocalists prepare number for County Chorus Concert. BOTIOM: Joyful carolers impart festh·e spirit to hospital patients. OW: .Mrs. Sawyer, Cage, Antonini, Kumava, Workman, McManus, Walker, Crawford, Lenk, Newland, &labon, Shetler, Keeney, Calle, EO NO: Rollison, Coppolino, Nuttall, Christner, Malcolm, Greenwood, Leake, Peterson, Shaw, Binion, Broadwater, Sidwell, Dudash, BOW THREE: Carbonara, Lane, Kavulic, ~cC!elland, DeBord, ~Iiiier, Kisbel, Jackson, Pattenon, Brown, Stebok, Pugliesi, Fields, &ehhfit. ROW FOUR: ~Ioore, Dawson, Bella, Swabey, Mays, Hamilton, Fekety, :Martini, Jones, Bryant, Laney, Fabrycki, Skompski, TOP ROW: Dirda, Rosso, Leon, Fensbaw, Rushnock, Terrace, Kamin•ky, Rarasty, Kuhoric, Chrise, l\fcKeruie, Wingard, Kubitza, 93