Redstone HS 1966 Yearbook (Republic, PA) - Full Access
BOTIO)I ROW: Peton. Roscoe. flack. Cherban, Fuo;co, De)lark, Swinkrr. Krt',inko, hck<on. ROW TWO: P.l'!tu~le, Kraft, Pa,.do, Williams, Jg. nou, K>le, TrefiC4nt, TI'U:!h. ROW THREE: .\o,otn), Class, "'>da. )fancha•. Bakt'well, Pinardi, TooL<e)', Anthon), Durigon. ROW FOUR: Rud· :tin~k~. )fanin, \Jihalik, Defino. W~att, Kamin•ky, Baird, Cera. TOP ROW: Pohinalt•, Rohaley. Kindervater. Congclio. Remington, Davi~. Battaglini. Sieradtl..i, Pari•. Latin Club At the R.Q.\1-E rneeting:o, members presented prof!rams designed to portra} the beliefs and the custom, of the Roman~. Under the leadership of :\liss Wilma Franko and officers: Bill Congelio. pre,ident: Ed Remington. \ice-president: ~larian Swinker. secretar): Karen Jack~on, treasurer: \·ari· ous acti\'ities were planned. A play "The Haunted llou~e·• was read to the group at Halloween time to depict the eerie superstitions of the Roman~ concerning the dead. At Christma$ time. the Roman Saturnalia. Christma!\ of the Roman~. \'a' celebrated. Carols were sung in Latin and the ceremon} of lighlinf! candles. done chiefly for decorati\'e purposes. \\8!\ \ef) impr~he. On Valentine's Oa}. •tudent" "rote tender. lo\ ing messages in Latin to their fa\'orite girl or bo). Students exhibited both their kno" ledge and use of the language. The finale of the year's ac· tivilies was an authentic Roman banquet. TOP: :XCond )ear M"holar• hcartil) a!'cept the food served to them b) Latin I •law-. • BOTTO \I: Completing the ceremon~ of the lijthted candle-. Latin Club member-, eagerh po-o- for the photographer.
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