Redstone HS 1966 Yearbook (Republic, PA) - Guest Access

at work and play SOCIAL HIGHLIGHTS Before each social function occurred, preparation was the key note. Classmates found excitement in each wonderful mo· ment, whether it. was asking a special someone for a date, purchasing the love– liest prom gown ever, or selecting a dec– orative theme. ·when the night of frolic ar– rived, the preliminary hours of labor proved worthwhile. Once serious students, transformed into light hearted party-goers, savored each moment. COMMU IITY SERVICE Learning to give of oneself is an integral part of education. Tri-Hi-Y and Hi-Y found the true meaning of Christmas as they decorated the County Home and packed food baskets. Promoted by the Ro· tary. Interact entet·tained aged citizens monthly with wild and wooly westerns. Singing in a choir, serving or commentat· ing at Mass, classmates benefited spiritual– ly. Through the United Fund drive and the March of Dimes dance, Redstonians learned to share graciously. OFF CAMPUS Daily at 3:15, the doors opened to a different area of learning for each stu· dent. Stepping into an adult world, many earned spending money at part-time jobs. Eager to learn the basic principles of home making, .girls tried their hand at baking, sewing, and performing house– hold chores. Between the hours of six and ten, students focused attention on the next day's assignments. Boys and girls faced the challenge presented hy off-campus interests and budding careers.