Scranton Central HS 1958 Yearbook (Scranton, PA) - Guest Access

Pertinent umm r r alma t here and wheth r your vacation dr am i th big city the unny ea hare or the cool mountain , we hop that you will ha,·e a wand rful time. Before w tart our own \'acation. ' e have orne Ia t minute farewell to end to all tho e tru ty worker who have made thi. magazine po ible. Our fir t word of prai e go to our bu ine tafT, who have b n bu ) collecting adverti ement from our numerou patron . ur tirele · typi t de e1Te a pecial alute for the many hour which they have pent on lmprt'I– HOIII. To the lit rary tafT w "'lV our congratulation for the e ay , poem and torie which app ar before you now. u ual, our art tafT ha don an excellent job of illu trating our ma– gazine. Our special congratulation go to our a i tant art editor. John Marchaloni , for hi original and colorful CO\'er. La t of all our incere t thank go to our ·mpathetic advi r who ha,·e ea ed u 0\·er the rough pot with their kind word and helpful ugge tion . :-\a\\ with b t wi he and fond farewell , we hall uo our variou ' ay . JU E 1958 UNDAUNTED r To striv , to s k, to find, and not to yield.' -TE. NY ON W E liv in a time which i ev n nm b ina criticiz d a undul ' complacent. v\ e it back and calml accept thin a th ar , making no effort to reform the world or ev n to ee it mi take . If we do detect any fault we mer ly o erlook them callina them "nece ary evil ' . V\ 7 or e yet many f u hav conform d for o lona that we fail to recoanize the need for chan a . Yet ven now in thi time of blindne and complacenc there i omeone who ha not yet I arn d to ianore, to overlook to pretend. Youth open hi eye and ee the fault of the world– th fault which hi elder ignore-and he re olve to correct them. Armed only with nai\'e faith the faith that h hall -ucceed where all other have failed that h hall be the one to e th un een, to di cover the unknmvn to do the impo ible he t out to conquer the world. Hi eld r "·atch him ju t a the, have watched the other vho had gone before and th laugh a ad hollow lauah. The know that hi cri will ao unan wered hi attempt will be thv,:arted, for ature i har h and unbending, re i ting all effort to alter her. Many ha\'e gone forth to chanae the world; yet when they return it i th y who hav been chanaed not the world. Th y know that oon thi )Outh will return crawlina broken, defeated, ju t a the man who had gone before, ju t a th y them elve had returned from their own mi ion . They it back and they watch and they wait but thi time th ir wait will be a Jona one, for their experience ha not taught them one thin a: they have yet to learn that when the de ire i trong enou h, the mind det rmined enouah and faith firm enough, man hall ee the un e n di cover th unknm\11 and do the impo ible.