Scranton Central HS June 1955 Yearbook (Scranton, PA) - Full Access

BOOKS IN REVIEW THE REA 0 \ HY by il \ oodham- mith: In thi novel the a tion-packed tor of the harge of th Light Brigad . H re pictur d aaain t a background of hi torical event are Lord Lucan and ardigan, who e per onal rival– ry and Ia k of military trategy wer · re p n ible for one of th v orld' mo t gallant but futile military action . Gerald Fr eman '56 BEYO THI PLA E by A. J. Cronin: d tail d a count of hO\\ Paul Mathry pent ix year of hi. early life, trying to have hi fath r pardon d for a crime he hadn't com– mitt d, i given in thi novel. Great were hi ob ta le and difficult the ta k, but with faith, and a g;oal m mind he overcame th force. of nature and man. Jan t P arce, '55 B TTLE RY by Leon n.: r ali tic tory picture · th young fightin~ marine of World \ ar II. Dang r, xcitem nt and courag arc illu trat d in thi novel. hara t r and battle ar vividly and d crip– tively portra cd by Mr. ri . 1. o, tru romance i r waled throughout thi book. I highly recommend thi rna terpiec to anyon who enjoy x item nt and romanc ombin d. Dorothy Jon , '55 THE F R TH b · Frank laughter: Thi i a wood rful lov tory from th Old Te tamcnt. It i a novel of king and lav trial and triumph . Mr. laughter gl\' Ruth th Moab irl who fall in love with an I raelite, uch an e. otic p r onality that he eem to live ri ht b for your ey . On e you have tarted to read 'The ong of Ruth," you will b o intrigu d that you will never re t until you have fini hed it. Mary Bonifanti '55 10 by Jo eph Haye : u pen e i the k y– note of thi reali tic novel. It tell of th innermo t thought of a typi- al family man who i b ing h ld a pri oner in hi own home by thr iciou killer . How Ion~ can th ap d convi t remain in hi hom ? Will hi daught r' boyfri nd u p t om thing wh n h i not allowed to enter th hou e? Will hi wife ever fully re over from the hock of th ordeal? Th e ar th thought that p rmeate hi For anyon who enjoy tru adventure, I would hi~hly mend thi bo k. mind. to life recom- a e B rry, '55 MY EVERAL WORLD by Pearl Buck: Thi i the fascinating autobiography of th gr at author a. a little girl, rai ed in China by her two mi ionary par nt . It t 11 of th Chine u tom food dre , and way of !if . When P arl Buck with an almo t omplete hine e outlook, goe back to th United tat to coli ge naturally h doe n't fit in· but oon he manage to ombine h r two entir ly differ nt world and b come the nationally well-known p rson he i today. Thi book give a much better and more complete pi tur of hina than even her famou novel . It' one book you hould not mi s. Virginia Baker '56 Drawn by Dan Banks, '55 Cut by Hilarion Swift, '55 HEPHERD by ommander Georg Krau , ., commander of the d troyer ''Keeling" ha th re- pon ibility of protectin thirty– ev n allied m rchant men in pas age throu h the ub-infe ted orth Atlantic between Ameri a and En~land. ommander Krau e i call d to the brid~e of hi hip and for forty- ight hour remain th r , making de i ion that can mean th difT r nc betw en life and death. Help from England arrive enabling him to fill hi role a. th good h p– herd. v alt r p ar '56 IMMORTAL v IFE by Irving tone: Thi i th tor of J ie Benton Fr mont, who gr atly con– tributed to th d v lopm nt of our nation. il ntly working by h r hu band' ide at a time wh n women were con idered inferior J e ie managed to overcom the hard hip and di a ter whi h fat thr w in her path. ometime it eemed that there wa nothing 1 ft but her inten e love for her hu band, which grew into omething more de p and beautiful with each pa ing day· but then orne new oal would appear on th ir horizon and they would eag;erly triv for it p rfec- . tion. Cynthia Runa '56 IMPRE SIO