Scranton Central HS June 1955 Yearbook (Scranton, PA) - Full Access

HANDS Marian Mynott, '55 The trange hand reached out for her heart. , 11 day he had had a p culiar sinking- f ling in her tomach. he wa ur that . omcthing wa going to happ n. h rememb r d th Ia t time no, he wouldn't r membct that not that. he went through h r cia in a daze. othin<r wa · r a! but that gnawing fe ling. Mi . Kent ccmed to pi k on her more than u. ual wh n . he ouldn't read her French, but omchow he didn't car . Today he wa to g t o much don . But how ould h read with– out her b ok, or write that book– r port wh n he'd forgott n even what book h had read? othing, ab olutely nothing wa right. How ould he b o tupid? h at in h r Ia , fidgety and nervou twi ting her hanker hief into many knot tearing paper into tiny bits– anything to k p h r mind occupi d. h mu t not think about the Ia t tim . o h was po itive it would not happ n again. Over and over he told her If that. It wa n't until the Ia t p riod that h had b gun to b lieve it. itting louched in her eat, he half li tened to the lecture on hake peare. lowly h clenched and unclench d her hand . Then he held th m palm up, on the JU E, 1955 Drawn by Judy Parsons, '51> Cut by Carlos Dorsey, '55 de k. h thOtwht it o trang to find th m a they wer . All hand were hap d o oddly. Y , ddly, that wa th right word. Inwardly . h giggl d. How illy it wa for peo– ple to think that awkward, ugly thing like the e wer o b autiful. h r membered how omeon long ago had taken her hand and 1 d her away. ·'You have u h pr tty hand , Lieb hen," h had aid. trangely, .h f und th y were old and lam– m now. o! o! Pretty hand were warm and oft. \ h couldn't her hand be that way? uddenly he found that the clas was over and th mad da h for fr c- dom wa aught in th youthful happin h allm d her If to laugh a h ran out th door to the wonder of the out id world. he walk d through th ity. h wa happ now, no longer frightened and alon . h thought of o many thing at once that he found her brain tripping it elf up. "Oh, you funny little thing!" h x !aimed out loud wh n the voic of h r brain finally told h r to stop trying to confu it. ·'Stop it!" he thought a "funny little thing funny little thing" echo d ba k and forth m the dark cha m of h r mind. uddenl he realized that the tr ct. were emptying fa t. h quick ned h r pace. The Ia t bu would b leaving oon. h 'd . tay d in town mu h too long. But wait! Which bu wa her ? ot that one, or the n xt. h couldn't rem mb r it name. Whi h wa it? h didn't know how lon<r h tood th rc.• o many bu c went by. Finally the la t bu had left. he tood frightened and alon on the de erted treet orner. The dark– n lo ed around h r wrapping h r in it protecting den ity. It had hap– pened again. Down through th Ion tr t he wand red. Only the ound of h r f ot tep ould b heard. h felt warm and e ure. othing mat– t red now. oon he would find– " hat wa it h had to find? h had to r memb r; he ju t had to r - m mb r. ov ring h r fac with h r hand , .h b nt her h ad in de pair. Then sudd nly h topp d. That wa it! The hand had told h r. How ould h forgPt th hand ? Her mother'. hand had been o b auti– ful. ·· 1ommy, Mommy, wh re arc you?" he mourned a. he wander d down th lonely tr t ar hin<r. '·\ hy, why? h, Mommy, why an't I find you?" he'd forgott n C\' rything in her que t but he had not be n forgotten. In a little whil th y would find her, the people from th orphanage, that i . DAWN OF ETERNITY Robert Beebe '56 D ath walk in darkn A it walk alon . othing but il nc there, Then a noi e then a calm, Walkin walkin To the dawn- The dawn of eternity! 11