Scranton Central HS June 1955 Yearbook (Scranton, PA) - Full Access

CURFEW Bette Lee aville, '55 Hi reckle ne brought disa ter and heartache. ' hu k Winter at hunch •d OH'r a tool in herry' rug t r . Li t1 ly he toy d with the unda in front of him. ''Hi hu k", whi p r d a mall voic . Ther tanding be. id' him wa J an Bate. He looked at her, half amused and half angry. Ev r in e he had moved to town he had hung around him. No matt r what h 'd done to di ourage her, .he had ah.,·ay. re– mained. "What' the matt r, 'hu k? You look a it you'd just lo t your be. t friend." "Oh nothing. It's ju t that 'cr ince the urfew tarted, this town has be n dead." "I know, but th rc'. nothing '' e can do," igh d Jean. "Mayb you can't d anything about it, but I can." mu ·d huck. The urf w wa. the .ity :oun il' id a to curb juvenil d linqu nq. lt tat d that all t nag r under eight n had to be off the tre t b) 10: 0. If they w r n't, th ir par •nb would be fined t n dollar. . Ye , hu k kn w w ll nough about the curf w. in e it had tart d, they'd pok n of n thing I e but that at home. "It won't hurt you,' taunted hi moth r, •·to b home at a decent time. It' about tim· th ouncil did om thing-. I don't know what thi'> town i coming to, the wa) th t n– ag r run around wild." Hi father had tak n th ' arne attitude. •· ow huck, your moth ·r know what' b t for you. Mind your way and li ten to h r." O\\. a ' eek lat r, the urfew wa-, till in fT ct. Th wor. t thing- about it \ a. that hu k h d no tim to work on hi. car, which wa. hi prid 12 and joy. He had b ught it in a junk– yard and fix d it up him elf until it wa n arly p ·rfect. ..Tim to I ·ave, kid . ; it' n arl) t n thirty." he ound of Mr. Brown' \Oi e brought Chuck back to r alit). . ll the boy and girl who had be n itting at the ountcr and in th booth. b gan to I ave. When th y had gone.• lr. Brown came over to where huck wa. . it– ting and a. k ·d, .., hat' th maW-r ' hu k? You'd b tter hurry. You know what will happ n if your dad ha to pay an th r fine." •·All right, I'm going. I can take a hint." h I ft th' tor and peered up and down the tr et, h · aw that the town wa. practically d erted. ..What an you cxp t?" he aid to no one in particular. "All the good little girl · and boys ha\c gon to b d. \ hat a laugh!" " hu k, ar n't you oming?'' oocd a voi e whi h c med to come from n wher . Th r . tanding b) the drug tore wa Jean. ''\ hat arc you doing, following me? o on b •at it. I don t nc ·d a bodyguard t tell me what to do.'' ·· .hu k, pl •a don't b angr) . I'm orry," pi ad ·d J an. H r tone wa .o arne t that he felt orry for h r. he r ally wa. a cute kid. · pt for tho. e old fa- hion d loth h wore. ..That' okay kid. I'm orr ·. You go on ah ad. I'm going for a ride." H he itat d and then added, ··un– le of our. e you'd lik · to ome along." ·' I can't ' huck. It'. getting late. Moth r would b furiou. ." ''Okay I'm not b gging- you. But don't ay I didn't a. k you. There ar pi nty of girl that would like to corn . But go ahead run along home lik' a good girl." ·· hu k wait I want to go." Th y got into the car and Jean lid O\ ·r next to him. It wa. r ally the fir t time he'd noti ed how pretty sh wa. . .. ti k with me. kid, and I'll r all} show you a good tim ." H · . tart d the car and drove Jo,,– ly out of town that th y w r on the highway. He pu h d th as p ·dal to the floor. The . p •do10 t ' pas · d . ixty, eventy, ighty and finally r ach d nin ty mil s an hour. \ ith new p wer th ar leap d fon\ard. ·· 'hu k, plea • low down. You're going t fa t." J an pi ad •d. But it wa no u c. for hu k would li. ten to no r a on. Without warning, a car em d to om from nowh re. H pump d th brak . but it was no u ·. ·' hu k!" . reamed Jean franti – call . But it ''a t late. Th · two ar. ollid d with uch impact that it •m •d a if the who) earth h k. .\nd then ther wa only a . i kening sil·n c. TASK COMPLETED 'vlary Brandon,' 5 1 Ji, cd with my proj t .\<;moth rwith hild: I nourish d it daily With not . o well fil •d. I )i,· d for it, Lived with it. Found many a fault. nd with my di cretion It gr ·w without halt. It lie here b fore m . Ia. and alack! ~1y pom type-worn finger~ And ore aching ba k! Th nightmar s are o,· ·r: n 'w day ha come. For th fir. t time in weeks I . hall sl ep b for one. Term paper ar over; Th y'r fini h d at Ia. t. I'm happy to ay I am through with th ta k. IMPRE