Scranton Central HS June 1955 Yearbook (Scranton, PA) - Full Access

MAKE BELIEVE hezla Miller, '56 T h is trange little girl lived in a lonely but won derfu l world of her own. ..And the old witch di app ar d, 1 aving th princ and princ to li e happily ver after." I hut the b k and mil d at th child b id m. ·'Did ou lik th tor , Vivian?" ··y but why do torie alway end lik that?" th ix-year old at my side que tioned earn tly. "I don't know. They ju t do." ..D e\ ryon liv happily ver after with omeon h love. ?" "Wh), Vivian, what ev r make. ·ou a k that?" The little girl hook h r h ad to dismi th matt r. h walk d toward. th bookca to pick out anoth r tory for me tor ad. My ye follow d her. Vivian wa. uch a quiet child with cv rything to mak her happy- two wond rf ul parent, who ga e h r v rything, thi room filled with book and in– numerabl toy . In the corner wa a vi trola which he delight d in playing. Wh n I en– t r d the house, h would eagerly show m all the records h had ac– quir d inc my last vi it. JUNE 1955 I h itatcd. What wa it that had mad Vi ian r tr at from th ' eek– da lif o important to a child h r age? h' interrupted my thou Tht with ··I found another stor I want you to read to m " I op n d th b k and _aid wearily "Must I? I'm so tir d. an't \\ do . om thing 1 ?" Th child I ked downcast. "All– right," he r •lu tantl agre d, "but I like to hear you ,. ad." I h av d a igh and b an, •· n c upon a tim ther wa a high palace on top of a ({reat g-r en hill ..." I continu d in thi manner for the r t of th afternoon. Vivian puzzl d m o but I ould not untan«le th w b which h had wound around h r If. Her de ir to be in a ., orld of her own, was cer– tain! unnatural for a ix-year old. Y t, when I u ge ted h go out- ide and pla , h agr d with u h unwillingne that I wa fore d to continu reading th pa we both knew ow II. In th middle of th venth b ok, a vo1 interrupt d m r ading. "H 11 , Vivian d ar." "Hi M mmy! W 'v ben r ad– ing all aft rnoon, and it wa. o mu h fun." ..But I told you to , o out to play. \ h didn't you?" "I didn't want to Mommy." ··Mu t you always b o ob. ti- nate ?" wa her harp r tort. I watch d Vivian' ey ov rAO\ with tears. h hurt and h lple . be m to 1 k d 0 n th way hom I thought about Vivian. h wa uch a trang , ad, lit! girl living in her dream world of princ and prin e . I walk d n hoping that omeday Vivian too. would li e happily ver aft r. Question Joyce KlallJek, '55 bubble i bur t; a dream i. ended. I tand At a ro road rying "Which wa hall I turn?" No an w r Br ak th tilln Tho I hav loved and tru ted Throughout th y ar pa , on· b n . But they Ar mute and tra el thl.'ir vera] path. . It i aid o man i an i land." Yet m th final anal Ea h mu t tand alon to arch hi own con cienc nd find hi own way. I kn w thi now. Th road I choos the deci ion I mak , will - be mine alone. 13