Scranton Central HS June 1955 Yearbook (Scranton, PA) - Full Access

Little Things Barbara Miller, '56 \ hen we think of graduation With all it up and down , Wc think of thing conventional; \ e think of cap and g wn. . \ e think of white diploma fa entimcntal en f p he , black-rob d figur . But what doc it really mean? That rtain mell of phy ic lab, The era k found on th wall , Th long and ndle . tainvay , Th alway. bu tling halL, The j yful sound at pep rail) \ h n girL with voi e cl ar Join th ' mal' 'd ep ba.. c o loudly ing and hccr. The ilcn e in th library Th noi.e in tudy B he one thought at 3: 30 ··To the lo k r room . wc'r fr e!' The .pirit that we notice \'\hi! working 'round the chool "Re tum propter " That i our a red rul . Th unequaled en ation f a job w know well don \ h th r it b port, dramatic r a dane we've h lp d to run . \ hat i. the word, that p cia! word The one w hold o d ar Th ' on we'll all rem mb t Th one we'll alway h •ar? Th word w 'v alwa thought of Right down from th That p ial word i " entral'' To ke p alway in our h art . Y , wh n you think of high chool nd all that lie ah ad Th fri nd you'v left b hind you Th thing you've don and aid Th good time and the bad one To what do it amount? It' th little thing , th littl thing , - Th one that really count. IMPRE 10 S