Scranton Central HS June 1955 Yearbook (Scranton, PA) - Full Access

GIRL SHY "Papa Love Mambo" may be a popular on~ on the nation' hit parad and it may al o b the key to th n w dan e craze that'. weep– ing th country but h r at . H. it ha an ven mor i~nifi ant mean– ing. Why? Becau it ha marked the op ning of our newe t cr ation in th world of entral drama the annual pring play. From the moment th curtain of ' ntral' tage wung op n to reveal ··mambo-mad" Earl Rodin a k y timp. on a typical college Joe with a yen for m mber of th oppo it . ex the audience wa caught in the gay mad whirl of lif at a Mid– w tern Univer ity. Blond, popular P ach arter i th late t number in Oke' little black book. D a\ i d Pre,·en, a hand ome, wealthy Tom r dale, i. the an w r to e\ ry girl' prayer. nly one problem he' airl hy. Tom' pomp– au: father and form r girl-friend, played by John Mahon and nn o– \it ki , re. pe tively, ha\e a solution Barbara Miller, '56 to thi. probl m; what th y don't know i · that attracti\e Bab an– ford, played by onnie Brook, ha idea of h r own on thi ubject. Pompou D an Marlow, portrayed with a rather comical, tongue-in– cheek air by Donny arr and nn Davis a Tom' pry and . area ti maiden aunt, don't leav all of th romancing to the younger et a th ) s t out to prove that !if begin at fifty. Birdie La\em, an un ultur d b auty conte. t winner who i work– ing her way to Ilollywo d a. a lean– ing woman, played by Barbara Mack, and Tommy T rran lla a. huck Mayo, h ·r tri tly R.unyoncse typ boy-friend, keep the audi nee holding th ir . ide with !aught r. peaking of humor, \\ e couldn't for– get the humorou antic of ,arol xtell a . thma, a colored wa. her- woman '"ith an infe tiou laugh. Bob Me innis i lfred T nny on Murgatroyd, ··if you pi a e", the college po t. It i hard to ay who ha. don the mo t to help make " irl hy" the great produ tion it ha. b n. You an chalk that up to team pirit, but Mrs. Birnbaum. head of our drama– ti departm nt, Barbara 't agner. student dire tor, and Tom Jone , prompt r, all did a fine j b of g tting th hm, n th road. And I t' not forgct th under tudi . ,~ho wer -..tanding by at all time Th · excellent cenery, olorful p nnant from many cliff r nt ol– lcge and a very modern motif. c mpl t with modern art, wa. pr ·– pared exp rtly by Terrence al– lagher, Jr., the memb r. of hi art cia . ' and our own very fficient . tag crew. Th I \ er workman hip of our ostume and make-up com– mittee. , ombin d with the jaunt) m Jodie by our entral H igh chool rch tra under the direction of M1. Harold V, Harri on, helped to make the play the grand ucc . : \~hi h it was. Principal Albert T. Jones presents Leon M. Levy award to Joyce Klansek, assistant editor of Impres ions. JU E 1955 19