Scranton Central HS June 1955 Yearbook (Scranton, PA) - Full Access

Thi .ca on the Central Eagl compiled one of the b t record in entral'. hi tory. Let' take a look to c '"hat the boy. in the blue and gold ha\e don . Football The gridd r , und r h Clar- nce ..Fat " Rob on, p ccllent 8-2 record. over Blakely, J . up Carbondale, Binghamton .entral, Dur a, Arch- bald unmor and T ch th Eagle yidd d to only \ e t ide and Old Forge. The captain. of th t •am wer Bob "Butch" ~1ir .ki and Doug Evan. . Baskrtball Thi wa the mo t u ce ful ba kctball a on for , ntral in 27 year . nder Coach Rob on, th Eagl r tain d th La kawanna Leagu titl and went to th Ea tern emi-Final of Ia. A, PIAA ball, where th y lo t to 'oach R bson develop d a gr n team, \ ith only John Buntz and ary Re . 1 having had varsit)' xperi– ence, into a first-cia champion hip team. The team con i. t of o- ap– tain. John Buntz and Rob rt ram, II- tat •r Ed Kazaka\ i h Bob Kup– chak, Bill D ck r, ary Re er, Bob Kagler, Jim Ma tcrs, Henry Mcnn, Jim Knorr and Pat Fruehan. Th t am had an x ell nt 20-5 re ord . In the regular .cason the Eagl defeated Pittston , th lumni, and \ e t id on e, and Taylor Carbondal ', Dick on .ity, larks ummit, Dunmore and Te h twic . The)' lo 't twic to ld Forg and once ea h to \ 't id and troud - burg. Following ar the s ore of th playoff game and th place whcr th y w re play d: at the atholic Youth Center, entral \. . Old Forg , 50-43 · entral \ . Luz rne, 58-36; ntral ,. . anti oke 53-50; at Bucknell Univ r ity ym, L wis– burg, Pa. entral \' . oal Town- hip 69-50; at th Pale tra Phila- delphia, Pa., ntral \'.. 'he. t r, 44-66. JU ' E 1955 Robtlf 'oboln•itch, '55 The Jayv e team put on an im– pr iv . hawing, ompiling a record of 1--2, winning their Ia t 1} m a row. The Fre hman- ophomor team, under th tutor hip of oach Bob Hugh . , \\a pla)'ing a good brand of ball at the end of the •a on . Although it. .cason'. record ''a. no '"in and eight lo.. e , the t<:'am ha. .rreat po sibilitie. for n xt year. ll'immin~ ' oa h R c. e' m rmen . pia hed th ir wa)' to their fourth con cutiv Di trict 2 PI title. T ch, \ e t ide, Hazleton, \ yoming eminaf)' and Binghamton orth ta ted d - f at at th hand. of 'entral, '"hil only Binghamton entral ta. ted \i tory. The ,a-captain of the t am were Jo P ttinato and Jack tan– tan. Bru cheller broke th local 4-0 )'ard fr . tyl • record of 19.6 cond , held by Ja> Evan., entral '52 ) to . ct a n w record of 19.3 e ond. BaH ball At th time thi articl wa. writ– ten, oach Jervi ' ba eball t am, Ia t year' outhcrn clivi. ion champ , were porting a 1.000 average with two win and no lo . . Th y de- fcated We t id 2-0 and bla t d Dunmore 10-1. In the latter gam , Ed Kazakavi h of ba. ketball fam pitched a no-hitt r. Dunmor ' Ion run cam in on a a rifi fly and an error. The aptain of th team i. Ed Ga tano. The Fre hman- ophomor t am of .oach Joyc had played on game at the time this arti I ,,a. written . In that game it defeated \ c. t ide, 7-6. T~a ck The thin lads of 'oa he. R •esc and pagna had not )' t run in any me t ·, but we tru t th · will gi,· • an excellent account of th m ek .. The o- aptain arc Mike Kap huk and Bob herman. Commrnts in bu. load of tudcnt followed th · ba. k tball team to L \ i burg, and t n follo\\.ed them to he t r. II tho c conn t d with th team r ally appreciated the fan ' upport, ,,hich wa. tr m ndou · all year . .. Ed Kazakavich \\a. ho. n for the II tate Team ... The ca. on am to a hilariou end with a Var ity– Fa ulty and Girl gam'. Th ref r wa Larry Ludwig who k pt all the sp ctator convul cd with hi anti . . 21