Scranton Central HS June 1955 Yearbook (Scranton, PA) - Full Access

Pertinent in c June is a month of gay flow 1. , w . hould like to gi\ c . p cial bouqu ts to all those conne ted with thi. . parkling i.. uc of Impressions. B ausc the. e people contributed their time and talent, w ar • ertain that thi i u is as fine a. the two pre eding one , which had the di. tinction of winning first prize in the olumbia cholasti Pres s– ociation competition. Om fir t bouquet, and a huge, radiant one it i., goes to th art staff. nn lagis is the creator of the mart silhouett cover, which wa produced by the .tafT riaht here in school. The magazin' contain. two magnifi ent line cuts, on page thirteen and twenty, and many fmc linol ·urn block ut., including the illustration. by Ann Lamberti for ExchanJ!.r..l, and Marilyn Braunstein for Retrospect. The literary . taff de rv s an •quail) beautiful bouqu t. Its mem– ber ha, c been reating, cnttcizmg and ornpiling th • r ading mat rial for this is. ue incc January. Their tircl ·.-s efforts resulted in the fasci– nating poCtJ)·, c. :ay., fiction and special fcatur found \•;ithin the pages of the magazine. To the girL on the businc. s taff and to our indu. triou typists, we giYc a lm ely bouquet. Without th ir un ea. ing work thi. issu would not be po. sibl<'. Finally, an enormous clu. tcr of thank., tudded \\ith appreciation, go s to our ad\i. ors. Their patience and v>onderful assistance h a v c guided us sue e sfully through con– fusion and error. Yes, we arc grateful to all of th c mdividual . This exciting June i. sue is tangibl e\ idcnce of their contri– bution to you. JU E, 1955 He Is Himself Alone "How glorious it is-and also how painful-to be an exception." ALFRED Dl 1-ft SSET Man i in continual conflict with him ·elf. H i tom be– twc n the de ir to do a h pl a· . and th fe ling that h mu t fulfill rtain oblig-ation. et by oci ty. The. oblirration ar conformity in clrc. s, attitude. and thought. It i the la t '' hich mo. t inf ctiou. and mo.t dangerou . P oplc cry 'Inclivicluali. m? But "hat about the po'' rr of rna· a tion?' True. th hi.-tory of th l nit d tat s i punctua– ted by th tr ngth of the rna.- . But ''hat i. that rna if not trong individual, united cr ating an impr gnabl fore ? Tpon explorina d ep into him If, man eli. cov r an im– men. c capacity for 1 aming. Thi. miracle of the human intell ct rcmam. un. urpa.. eel. Th mind i. more than an ally in the trurrgl for urvival; it is an aagre . ivc agent in reaching th ultimat rroal, '' hich differ for very mortal. When man cli.-– cov r. hi world and him elf hi goal b com morally higher and cl ar r. It i around thi final a piration that man ba. c hi. attitud hi ideal hi cry way of life. H que. tion. the ocially ace ptabl principle that hav molded hi· lif , and he cck th an." r. to th e que. tion . radually. hi id al. tak a dear form. He eli mi.. hi pa.. ivc attitucl and tand.-, definite and unafraid for \\hat he bcli v . to be right. He . trivc to I arn about the \\Orld '\\hich . urround. him, and, mo t difficult about him. elf. Thi i. a period of critical xploration. Tho. who emerg victor pa. . into a \\ orld of po" erful, triumphant men. Th voice of the individual eric out again t malic intol r– anc , and ar d. It cri . out truth althouah om attempt to il nc it. 1an nO\\ i fully a\\ ar of him If and hi world. He i · un cath d by th negativ cff ct of ocial vil . Hi i th perpetual carch for th full m aning of life. 3