Scranton Central HS June 1955 Yearbook (Scranton, PA) - Full Access

You mu t admit that th re arc ' •ry f w port lik ({OIL Million of p opl fl k to th link in the !at spring, . umm r, and arly fall to enga m otland'. an i nt pa time. I b ing not nly a v r amateur player but al o on of tho familiar landmark. around mo t a If our. a cadd , knO\" ju t how int r– e. ting the gam r ally i. . I hall now attempt to a quaint the n vi c with thi · fa inating . port, o you a oned golf r an kip thi. and go practi c your ba k. wing. n • of the m . t imp rtant nee · - iti for playing golf i. th quip- m nt, implc a. it is. wo d n or metal luh to hit with and a . mall \\hit dent ·d ball to hit will do. he obje t of th . port i · to hit th little white sphere up O\CI hill, do\ n mountains, through n •eks, and . and trap , O\'CI bu. h s and r k to a mall hole 1 cat d under a flag in the enter of a gras. y green cir le. You add the nurnh r of swip th. t you n eded to get th ball there. and that i yom total s or for the hole. You an easily e that thi. i one gam wh re it i. n't ad' isablc to ra k up a. man points a. po.. ible. g d golf r n cd about nly cv n– ty-fiv or eighty strok s to go a round of eighteen hole. , but a b ,gin– n •r'. . ore will probably b ab ut n hundr •d nd si. ty. o take m advi , friend! If you want to b long m th ub-hundr d roup, you'll ne d practic and lot of it. J E, 1955 FORE! RupNt Hanii, '55 M) exp a a golf-ba - tot r and a ek r-of-lo t-golf-ball ha,·c be n both rewarding and fatiguin({. I ha' e m •t many cliff r nt pia r , but m . t of th m fall int . n · ral di tin t atcgori . . Fir t, th r ' th player u ·uall • male who hat fi rc I · any kind of impli ity. In tead f a ni light, cam·a bag containing ' ral n e - .a!) clubs, he ha. an norm u , I ·ather, ban 1-. hapcd one, ho k– full f every kind of golf club im– aginable. H • ha e' erything from ne\\ adjustabl irons and a t I - . copi ball r •tri '\ •r to a gay um– brella \\ith a solid oak handle that constantly prod the p r caddy's rihs. He ha th late. t in all kinds of golfing equipm nt from shark-truce so k, and black . ho • \\ ith pink pike to an mang canteen built right into his bulging bag. Fm my n ·xt bit of no.talgic n.• olle tion, I hall turn to the mem– ber. of the gent! . ex. h, y s! The iadi ! ro golf oure c mplet without their ar -free chatter and giggly laughter. Tnr . ther are a few g od \\Omen play rs, but the a\ •rage and l'\ •n abO\ -av rag fe– male golf r i ompletcly e lip. ed b) the greater un. , u h a · Bah Zaha– ria. and Patty Berg . o compari.on! The a' crage woman trot along, trundling a m rry little t\\0-\\h I d gig that hold h r compl tc a.sort– ment of fi, golf club. . he min e to h r p r, un u pe ting ball, radl d in th oft Jo,· r, haul back and giv it a harp rap that end it rolling along th gr en ward for ab ut lift) pace . But n v r try to tell a femal• anything ab ut h r in– adequat meth d . ndoubtedl he \\ill ount r' ith u h a r mark a, "\ ell, I don't hit it to far, but I certainly hit it traight." Ju t gi" up and don t ay a word . All in all, g !fer arc a pretty amiabl bunch f human b in x– c pt for a f w turf-chopper who strid along, mumbling m thin ~ about their or· r th cadd . In fe\\ th •r pa time. i it pos. ibl to g t more excr i. • in th balmy un– . hinc and g ·ntle bre ze. that \\aft s othingly ' r the ' rna) arpct that r. the golf cour . Di tant eric f "Fore" that r ound o' r hill and dal and finally lo. e them. elv in the hado"·). slumbering f rc t, plu th · warm enthu. ia.m of the lat afternoon sun, contr ibut' to a daz d car free mo d . Ther • i oit ·n a rude awakening, how '\.er, a a w 11-hit hall whizz s sharply O\crhead. \\' II. ~houldcr your ba,g. again and trudge onward, , . r Om\ard t th g al, the final h lc of th ourse. Lat r, a. you tand by the lubhou. , your ·unburn d :hould r. achin~ \\her the rud trap. hafed th m and your meager wag in yoUl - palm, you \\Onder - "I it worth it?" 5