G.A.R. High School 1943 Yearbook (Wilkes-Barre, PA) - Full Access
THE BO RD OF EDUC TIO • eated: 1\lr. J<nlflcn. 1r. 1ockm. 1r. And'"· PreSidtnt, :-vir. Brob,l. ta nding: Dr. \\cavcr, lr. Colhn~. \.1r. Smatl.,, :-vir. hcrgali'. • A. E. Bacon , Superintendent S. R . H .mning , Principal Greeting Frorn Mr . Henning In umc~ of wur mu~ic is also an msp1ration v.hich arouses m the mncr soul a gratitude for 1mronam deed" well done. and a ues1re to enter the battle v. 1th enthuswsm and deter– mlnHli,ln I hn~ 1s music t<><.lil\ in t ht names of Rtxtsen:lt (. hurt·hdl ~wlm lac \rthur. l ~l'cnhower !\ 1ontgomen . and many others ol s1m1lar famc ; also in th<.: dt'l'ds of the men and women v.ho m thc md1tar~ '!:n 1ces and m th<.: fields of producuon arc rt·stor– mg and ddending the rights of humantt) ugumst tyranny anu ungoolincs'> all o\·er the worlu You young men anu women of the cia"" of 19~3 ha\e been prcranng yoursch·es for a part in thi'> mo'>t important struggle. and my ardent de'>ire is thm s:unL dav your name'> and deeds will also be music w your lnends. ~·our schcx>l and vour countr~ · Ia\ Cod w;1tch mer you and gu1de you mall vour future sen 1ccs anJ HCtl\ 1t1es and hasten the dav when we shall ccle– hrat<.: that well earned \ 1ctor\ hy a um\ersal mus1cal Juhliee S R I IE.i . I G
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