G.A.R. High School 1943 Yearbook (Wilkes-Barre, PA) - Full Access
Starting upper left, names run clockwise. Robert Baur ""1'vfy Love is a Blossom Heigh-0" Margaret Beckwith "When First I Saw Sweet Peggy" John Behm "Farmer in the Dell" Francis Bekampus "Cathedral of Learning" James Bempkins "Stepping High" Gordon Bennett "A Guy Like 1vle" John Bennetto "They All Love Jack" Norma Bernstien "Always Be Cay" Eloise Blocker "Sweet Eloise" Jane Brandi "Dark Eyes" Victor Brandolino "Victor Victorious" George Brandt ··Nobody knows the trouble I've seen': Jeanne Brannon "jeannie With the Light Brown Hair" John Brennan "Are You Sleeping" Samuel Brown "just Right" Harriet Butler "One in a Million" Peter Butkus ''Pennsylvania Polka·· Edward Buziuk "The Butcher B:>y" Ralph Carpist "There'll Never Be Another You" Joseph Caruso " I Came Here to Talk for joe" Elda Casterline "Dear Old Girl" John Catrino ''Oh)ohnny" •
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