G.A.R. High School 1943 Yearbook (Wilkes-Barre, PA) - Full Access
Starti.ng upper left, names run clockwise. Mary Cera " ft's a Grand Old Name'' Thomas Chmiola "jingle jangle.. Martha Chulvick "Martha I Adore You" Russell Coger ' jolly Boy" Joseph Connelly "just A Kid N amed joe" Margaret Conwell "All the Things You Are" Helen Coury "Stveet and Low" Elna Cruser ' joys of Youth" Richard Daley "Soldier Boy" Helen Davidson "M~aybe You're an Angel" Grace Davis "Friendship' : Jane Davis "You'dBeSoNicetoCome Home'Jo" Lewis Davis "King of Melody" Norman Davis "A Little jive is Good For You" Parker Davis " You're Easy to Dance With" Pearl Davis "Kitten On the Keys" William Davis " Anchors Aweigh" Albert Decker " Whistle While You Work" Sophie Delia "Drink to Me only with Thine Eyes" Carmella DiSanto "Dainty Damo~el" Robert Dorang " J'm Not the Same Old life" John Dubinsky 'johnny Doughboy" ,
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