G.A.R. High School 1943 Yearbook (Wilkes-Barre, PA) - Full Access
Starting upper left, names run clockwise. Paul Gates ""Voices Of the Deep"" Robert Gawles ··over The Waves·· Albert Gelb "Spirit of Progress" Catherine George " As Time Goes By" Helen George .. Keep Young and Beautiful" Rita George 'just A Little Reminder" Joseph Gerchak "A Spark In The Dark" Sarah Gizzo "She's the Sweetheart of the Army" Benjamin Gilbert, Jr. "The f ron Master .. Margaret Gill "You're Irish and You're Beautiful" Toddy Gill "Boy Scouts March" James Gillman "jimmy Had A N ickel"" William Gillman "Saving Myself for Bill" Newton Goldberg "just As Though You Were Here" Fred Grieshaber .. Handy Trombone" David Griffiths .. f Dream of jeannie .. Joseph Gudaitis "Steady Boy" Anne Guogas "Wonder When My Baby's Coming Home" Jeanette Halko "One Look At You" June Harding "june Dreams"' Theresa Haslinsky ''f"m Longing for My Home Sweet Home·· June Hause 'Lady Be Good"· Twenty-One
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