G.A.R. High School 1943 Yearbook (Wilkes-Barre, PA) - Full Access

Starting upper left, names run clockwise. Anne Herstek ''A Little Bit of Heaven· · Anthony Hodick ··You're An Old Smoothie·· Willet Hughes ''Willy , \\:fe Have Missed You·· Jane Jackson 'Freckle Face" Lawrence Jacobson "My Heart is Taking Lessons" Irene Jama "Skating \'(l altz" Tudor James, Jr. " Red Head" Anne Lois Johnson "On Wings of Song" Robert Jones " Hail to the Chief" Dorothy Josapaitis "One Smile from You" Catherine Joseph " Kitty's Waltz" Twenty-Two Ellis Joseph "Say It With Music·· Walter Joseph ''Sing, Sing, Sing"' Fred Judge ··stormy \\:feather· Miriam Kaiser .. You Must Have Been A Beautiful Baby" Frank Kalafut "Step Lively" Lillian Kaminskas "Lily of the Valley .. Olga Karam "Scatterbrain.. Joseph Kerins "What D'ya Know joe" Ann Kerlavage "Gentle Annie.. Helen Kester " I'm Falling in Love with Someone" · •